You may not notice her as she scurries between the church office and Sunday School classrooms each week with all kinds of supplies for the teachers and students. Unbeknown to many, she ministers to the Thai workers confined to their dormitories during the Covid pandemic. She is also the quiet and faithful person behind the information and prayer items for a different country each Sunday found in our bulletin. But talk to her and there is one thing about her that you can’t possibly miss - her signature hearty laughter.



In the Garden of Eden, Eve was tempted by the serpent to disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Eve saw that the fruit was “good for food,” “pleasing to the eye,” and “desirable for gaining wisdom” (Gen 3:6). She coveted the fruit in three ways. First, it was appealing to her appetite. This is the “lust of the flesh,” the desire for that which satisfies any of the physical needs. The fruit was also pleasing or delightful to the eye, that which we see and desire to own or possess. Here is the “lust of the eyes”. Finally, Eve somehow perceived that the fruit would make her wise, giving her a wisdom beyond her own. Part of Satan’s lie was that eating the fruit would make her “like God, knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:5).



Following Jesus requires us to pursue holiness! The apostle tells us:

Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends,

 let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit,

perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. - 2 CORINTHIANS 7:1 NIV


Max Lucado, a prolific writer and pastor wrote: 

“God loves you the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way.

He wants you to be…just like Jesus”



And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. - LUKE 14:27 NIV


When people think of the cross today, they think of the church or simply as a symbol of Christianity. For others, the cross is just another fashion accessory. Many people today wear a cross, but Jesus calls us to carry the cross. 



“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother,

his wife and children, his brothers and sisters – yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciples.”

(LUKE 14: 26)


I wonder what was left of the large crowd that had gathered around Jesus, after He had made the above announcement! Many must have felt disturbed by what He said. With those words, Jesus must have reduced the size of the crowd to just a faithful few. 



Years ago, I stumbled upon a SMRT website, which has a page on the roles and responsibilities of a Bus Captain. The Bus Captain does not only drive the bus, but he is also responsible for the safety of his passengers. He can’t afford to be careless and reckless. He must stay alert, for his life and the lives of his passengers depend on it. For example, he has to watch out for wet and slippery roads, avoid any unusual object or potholes on the road that might cause him to lose control. He must make sure that he has sufficient rest so that he might not fall asleep at the wheel and endanger his own life and the lives of his passengers.