Q: | What is the URL (internet link) to view the Online Streaming? |
A: | YouTube.com/GloryPresbyterian |
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Q: | What devices can I use to view the online streaming? |
A: | You can use: a) Desktop with an Internet Browser (e.g. Chrome, Safari, Edge) b) Tablets or Smartphones with an Internet Browser or YouTube App installed. |
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Q: | Can I view it on TV Screen? Mobile phones are not suitable for my old age viewing. |
A: | Yes you can. 1) If you have a Smart TV with an Internet Browser or YouTube App installed, go to youtube.com/GloryPresbyterian 2) If you have not so smart TV, but you have Apple TV or Android Cast device like Google Chromecast attached to the TV and using your mobile/tablet devices to 'cast' it to the TV. |
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Q: | If I miss the start time of the service, how can I view the part I missed? |
A: | The worship service is available on the GPC YouTube channel for 1 week after broadcast. You can view it before the video is removed. |
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Q: | Is there a service that can notify me of the service or any other church information? |
A: | You can subscribe to GPC's WhatsApp service (https://gpc.sg/whatsapp) to receive timely updates. |
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Q: | Who can I contact for help? |
A: | You can call the Church Office (+65 6469 4761) during Office Hours. |