The Music Ministry comprises the three service choirs, service musicians, orchestra, praise band, and songleaders. It provides musical support to the worship services as well as various church events / programs planned throughout the year. Through their God-given musical gifts, musicians, choristers and song leaders seek to point worshippers to God and reinforce the teaching of the Word.

The GPC worship service, modelled after the reformed tradition, adopts a blended musical style with a mix of hymns and contemporary songs, carefully chosen for their doctrinal integrity and suitability for congregational singing. In doing so, it seeks to enrich the worship experience in an orderly and dignified setting for the glory of God.

The Music Ministry also collaborates with other ministries such as Sunday School, Youth Fellowship and Care Groups in providing guidance and training of their musicians.

We invite all worshippers who have accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, who can sing or play an instrument, who are responsible team players, and who are committed to pursuing musical excellence to serve alongside with us as choristers or musicians. Please contact the church office to arrange for an audition and interview.