“Go and make disciples of all nations…” is a command issued by our Lord Jesus Christ. Discipleship/disciple making is an important aspect of our Christian life. We might assume that all Christians know what discipleship/disciple making means. However, if we view discipleship/disciple making to be simply a program, a ministry or an activity that we do, we have a shallow understanding of it.
I believe discipleship/disciple making is a way of life that reflects our faith in Jesus and our commitment to Him as our Lord and Savior. This is a life-long commitment. Every Christian should be both a disciple and disciple-maker at the same time.
Discipleship encompasses a life-long commitment of serving God and serving others. Therefore, Christian service is not optional, but we are called to a lifetime of service. This is the issue that I would like to address here because I often wondered why we are always encountering a lack of workers in our different ministries.
Jesus stated in Matthew 20:28 that he “came not to be served but to serve”. He also said in Luke 22:27 “I am among you as the one who serves”. And finally, He told the disciples in John 13:14-15 “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.”
If Jesus had already set us an example to follow and we know that Christian service is a non-negotiable part of discipleship, why are our church or school ministries constantly short of workers? What has gone amiss in our disciple-making process?
Then I came across an interesting article titled “29 reasons why people don't serve”.1 If you take time to run through the list, there is no doubt that you would find some of these “reasons” familiar. Below is a sample taken from the list:
§ I’m too busy with work/family commitments.
§ I don’t know what opportunities are available/no one asked me.
§ I don’t want to commit to anything in advance (I’d like to keep my options open).
§ I’m generous in other ways (e.g. with my money).
§ I offered to serve, and no one followed me up.
§ I offered to serve, but I wasn’t needed (e.g. I was told the ministry was full).
§ I served for a while, but I felt unappreciated, and no one thanked me.
§ I don’t get anything out of it.
As I ran down the list of reasons in the article, I arrived at the conclusion that the heart of this matter is the condition of our hearts. From my understanding, some Christians choose not to serve because they see only the negative aspects of serving others. They would have to handle conflicts with co-workers. They could be hurt by the remarks or actions of others. They would have to trade-off the time and energy that they could otherwise use in other personal pursuits.
On the other hand, some Christians serve out of wrong motives. They serve to impress or to please people. Some serve to feel good about themselves or aspire to be in positions of power and authority. Others serve only when it is convenient for them to do so.
A mature disciple of Jesus sees service as an act of worship to God. He/ she takes the initiative to serve. This often means making some personal sacrifices and patiently resolving conflicts or other challenges that might arise.
I am thankful for many church members who have laboured faithfully and patiently in their respective ministries. I was a new believer when I first came to GPC eighteen years ago. With the teaching, guidance and love from these faithful servants of God, I was able to grow steadily in my walk with Jesus.
The latest batch of candidates who have finished the communicant class will step forward to take their vow on next Sunday, in demonstration of their faith towards God and their faithfulness in serving God together with His Church. This is also an appropriate time for the rest of us who are already members of GPC to recall the same vow that we have made in the past.
Finally, let us not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up (Galatians 6:9). And whenever you have the opportunity, please show your appreciation and respect to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are faithfully serving in the various ministries in our church.