Walking through Life’s Crises with Gratitude and Resilience

As the first light of dawn broke through the quiet park, I embarked on my morning walk, a ritual that offers me solace and a moment to commune with my thoughts. It was during this tranquil journey that I encountered a figure in the distance, a lady whose slow, limping gait drew my attention. As we passed each other, a quick glance revealed her gloomy expression, a visage that bore the marks of life’s trials yet seemed no older than sixty. She carried a bag at her side, and notably, there was no walking stick to aid her. Her limp was a telltale sign of a stroke’s aftermath.


This encounter led me to a deep introspection. I found myself wondering, "What if that were me? If I were in her shoes, limited to a slow and measured gait, how would my face reflect my inner state?" This thought invited me to reflect on my own preparedness to face life’s crises.


Crisis, as I define it, is anything that displaces God from the centre of my life. Work becomes a crisis when it usurps my worship, leading me to forget God. Health issues loom as a dire crisis, sowing seeds of doubt about God’s presence in my suffering. Relationships, too, can become a crisis when I value them above my connection with the Almighty.


In the mirror of my heart, I often see a reflection burdened by the weight of unfinished tasks—sermons to deliver, visits to make, reports to complete, plans for the coming year… Yet, in these moments of introspection, I remind myself to smile and look ahead. How truly blessed I am to walk unaided, to function with vigour each day. Blessed to serve, to forge proactive bonds with those around me. Blessed to nurture a loving relationship with God.


As I grow older, caught in the inevitable web of ageing, I find solace in the knowledge that God’s presence is a constant companion. Through every challenge and every joy, I am reminded of the profound blessings that grace my life. And so, with each step I take, whether on a morning walk or the path of life, I pray to God, “Fill my heart with gratitude and my spirit with resilience in the face of any crisis.”


As we enter the second week of CG month, let us also be filled with gratitude and resilience in our service. May all CGs be blessed with the strength to serve thankfully and joyfully.

A very blessed Parent’s Day to all parents, foster-parents, and grand-parents!


In Missional Spirit,                                                       

Pastor Forest