Resurrection: What Does It Really Mean For Me (Part 2)?



It’s the week after Easter, the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Yet I can be honest that I have not thought about the resurrection and its impact on our lives after leaving the Easter Service. Perhaps Good Friday looms bigger, that we only think of Jesus as a dead messiah, a martyr for our sins, a historical figure with no impact on our daily lives? Or maybe the resurrection of Jesus is merely an appendix to the death on the cross for us?


Yet the resurrection of Jesus was a central part of the message that Peter preached to the Jews (Acts 2), and so was Paul’s message to the Gentiles (Acts 23, 26).


For truly, the resurrection changed the course of human history. The resurrection showed that God was powerful and loving, solving humanity’s fight with sin. That we have a God who really cares when we suffer and does something about it! 

The resurrection meant that sin no longer rules the generations or our daily lives. And even as we live life, we no longer need to obey sin: that we can truly live life freely without the shackles of sin!


The resurrection meant that we who are God’s children, need not fear physical death or trials in life for we know that the God who raised Jesus, is powerful to raise us as well in the last day.


In the resurrection, Peter tells us we now have a living hope that brings us through the trials and storms of life. What does the resurrection mean for you?