I think I’ve reached the age where conversation topics with my friends revolve around what body part hurts today. This is usually followed by a joke of some sort about waiting for Jesus to come soon so we can have resurrected bodies. Even as I struggle with bodily aches, I wonder if that is all that the resurrection of Jesus means for me on a daily basis: an escape from the difficulties and pains of life?
Yet our groans, as we struggle daily with the death of our skin cells, the degeneration of knees and pinching of nerves, are warning signs that things are not right. Just as chipped dishes, stalled buses, tense relationships and broken relationships make tears flow at times. It tells us that something is not right with the world. Neither are earthquakes, climate crisis, wars and nuclear weapons. They signal to us that we actually live with death all day long. The impact of death becomes more real for those who have lost loved ones and beloved pets to death, who fight a chronic illness that may one day take their life.
Truly only as we face death and suffering each day, does it truly make the glory of what has been made possible and real in the resurrection of Jesus so enticing! Truly we can live in the hope of resurrecting to a undefiled body in an undefiled world because of God’s grace and mercy!
So what hurts for you today? Let our hurts turn our eyes to our resurrected Lord in praise this Easter Sunday.