Heart To Heart With The Senior Pastor 3


In my journey of faith, I often encounter the beauty and richness of different generations and cultures within the church community. It's a tapestry woven with threads of wisdom, experience, and diversity. As we celebrate Lunar New Year, it's a poignant moment to reflect on the significance of intercultural and intergenerational relationships in our lives.


Our interactions should be intercultural, not cross-cultural. This distinction is crucial as it means embracing the diversity of cultures within our church without seeking to dominate or overshadow others. We learn from one another. Each culture brings its unique perspective and beauty to our collective tapestry, enriching our community as a whole.


Similarly, our interactions within the church family are meant to be intergenerational, not cross-generational. This reflects a spirit of collaboration and respect rather than imposition. We don't seek to impose our thoughts and ideas on another generation; instead, we aim to engage in meaningful conversation that fosters understanding and unity.


Last Sunday, I had the privilege of sharing with our young adults during their Manna session. I shared about the importance of listening with love, patience, and hope. I shared personal stories about my grandmother, mother, and father-in-law, who taught me valuable lessons about listening with these postures.


Following the session, my daughter, who was among the young adults, provided me with an insightful perspective that I missed. She commented, how could we listen with hope if we are entangled in a seemingly hopeless relationship? She pointed out that Jesus is the ultimate source of hope, the One who can break through difficult situations. I was deeply moved by my daughter's comments. In that moment, we shared a beautiful exchange of intergenerational love. She learned from me, and I learned from her - a testament to the richness of our interconnectedness. As we celebrate Lunar New Year, may we all experience the love, patience, and hope of Jesus Christ as we engage in conversations with one another. Let us approach each interaction with humility and openness, recognizing the opportunity to learn and grow from each other.


This Lunar New Year, I invite you to use the questions in the appendix of my book, “Our Stories, His Story”, to explore conversations you may have missed over the years. Your stories are valuable, and I believe they can contribute to a rich tapestry of our GPC's history. If you are willing, share your stories with me. Perhaps, together we can compile them into a book - a treasure that will reflect the intergenerational love of God among us over the 143 years of our history.


Let us continue to embrace intergenerational and intercultural relationships with love, patience, and hope. Together, we can celebrate the beauty of our diversity and the unity we find in Christ.


In Missional Spirit,

Pastor Forest