Getting To Know GPC's Missionary (Part 1)



For those of you who are unfamiliar with me, I am Michelle Goh and I came to know the Lord when I was a teenager and a friend brought me to GPC YF. I was the first believer in my family, and I testify to the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness in how He has not just touched and transformed my life, but also turned the hearts of my family to put their faith in Him as well. The Lord brought me to GPC and grew me as young believer, through the YF and Bible study classes (Sunday school), and led me to serve in the YF, the church choir, and subsequently in Sunday school and Thai service. Through short-term mission trips to Thailand, I began to discern God’s calling for me to serve as a missionary in Thailand.


What started as a simple prayer to God led to an incredible journey that I would never have imagined as a young believer. When He put that love for the Thai people in my heart and opened my eyes to the needs of the Thai church, it soon became clear to me that it was what He wanted me to do. Some people think that it must be such a big crazy decision to take that step into full-time Christian work. However, looking back, I’m just like anyone of you, following the Lord as He leads and shows me step by step, in the way of obedience and surrendering my life to be used by Him. Every step that He shows us He wants us to take in obedience is a step towards Him and away from the ways of the world and our self-centered and sinful ways. That, in essence, is Jesus’ call to all of us, that is to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). Don’t be afraid to take those steps of obedience. Following Jesus may seem difficult, but remember, He who is the all-powerful King of this universe is with you, leading you and supplying all that you need to go on this exciting journey. What is the next step of obedience He is calling you to take right now?


When I come back to Singapore and talk to different people, I encounter varied views and understanding of missions and what mission work is. Some think it’s like a short term overseas work assignment that can last anywhere from a few months to a few years. Some think that it’s a life-long commitment to the place and people God has called them to (like Mother Teresa). So it’s not surprising that I’m often asked how long more is my ‘assignment’ or ‘contract’, or if I’m going to settle down in Thailand. The answer I always give is, “I don’t know.” What I do know is that I am there because God called me and led me there, and I simply do what I think He is calling me to do. When the circumstances arises such that I (together with godly leaders) discern that He is calling me to move or change the nature of my ministry there, I take that as the next step of obedience, pack up my bags and belongings, say my goodbyes, and I go where He leads me to. Some may think this is a very exciting and adventurous way to live, in comparison to the routine and mundane life they have. And in some ways, it is, but for a person who craves stability, is risk-adverse and whose instinct is to nest, it can be very hard. I’ve learned that this is the cost of obedience, the cross that I am called to carry. Since 2011, I’ve moved 4 times and changed ministry team and location once. And come October, when I return to Thailand, I will have to move again. (to be continued)

Michelle Goh is a missionary with OMF (Overseas Missionary Fellowship) and has served in Thailand, first as an associate (2006-2008), and as a full member since 2011. She has been mostly involved in student work, discipling students and training them to be future leaders of the Thai church. Right now, she is back in Singapore on home assignment, which is a time when missionaries are given to go back to their home country to reconnect with their family, friends, church and supporters. She loves being with people so she really misses being able to meet everyone at Sunday services. She would like to get to know those of you who are not so familiar with her and connect with as many people as possible. Please contact her if you would like to meet up with her in person, have a chat with her online or even have her join one of your CG meetings.