By Rev Dr Forest Koh
Praise the Lord, we are going back to normalcy -- the cracking sound we missed when we broke bread together before the pandemic.
I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on why it is so important that the elements are served to you instead of allowing you to take from the communion tray yourself.
The act of elders serving the elements directly to you underscores the concept that Holy Communion is an act of grace from God, freely given to His people. Therefore, it has the following theological significances:
1. Unmerited Grace (Ephesians 2:8-9): God's grace and salvation are freely given to believers without any effort or merit on their part. By having the elders to serve the elements to the partakers, it shows the unmerited nature of God's grace, and that Communion is a gracious gift from God. This aligns with the Reformed theology, Sola Gratia, which emphasizes that salvation is solely by God’s grace and not by human merit.