Michelle Goh, Glory’s member, heeding the Lord’s call to missions in Thailand and has been serving there as a missionary with OMF since 2006.


       Whenever we talk about missions, most people think about missionaries and that it is only for those who have a clear calling and the gift of evangelism, and passionate about the lost. Some think of Paul in the Bible on his missionary journeys, bringing the gospel to places where people have yet to know of Jesus. Others think of brave pioneers venturing into tribes living in remote and difficult places, learning their language and living like them in order to share the gospel with them. For me, it wasn’t until I went through training in missions that I realized how little I knew about missions and how it’s done.



In the Presbyterian tradition, all who undergo baptism class would also learn about the Westminster Standards, which includes the Shorter Catechism (WSC) that “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever”. However, “Man” does not mean an individual—it is a signifier for humanity as a whole; glorifying and enjoying God is not only an individual pursuit. This is why in the Bible, God’s people are not just seen to be worshipping God on their own (e.g., the Song of Deborah, David’s psalms), but also assembling to worship God publicly at places such as the tabernacle and temple (as seen in the Old Testament), the synagogue and even in each other’s homes (post-exile and New Testament).




This month of August is our Mission Month. We thank God for invited guest speakers who will encourage us on how we too can be engaged in the Gospel-mission of God in our homeland.

During this widespread pandemic and tumultuous times, it is an important reminder to pray for our missionaries.



It has been a year and a half and there seems to be no end to the bad news we are getting about Covid-19. This sudden surge in cases the past week and the emergence of the highly infectious Delta-variant are fresh reminders that human effort and ingenuity can only do so much to control its spread.  I confess that I never thought I would become a ‘casualty’ in the wake of this on-going pandemic.  From fearing for the survival of my law practice, to anxiety over strained relationships, to concern over the ‘exposure notification’ received in the Trace Together App.  I’ve come to realize that despite being a Christian for 3 decades, I actually live my life in varying degrees of anxiety and fear.



PSALMS 34:4 (ESV) =- “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears”.

In December 2020, my left eyeball suddenly felt painful and tired. I thought it was just a migraine. But the doctor immediately told me to go to the A&E. As it was the day before New Year Eve, I was debating and giving excuses but a little voice in me kept nudging me to seek medical attention. The next morning, I woke up in pain, and my vision seemed a little blurred with coloured halos around. Finally, I obeyed the voice inside me and headed to the hospital.



A 2021 survey in the US1 reports that the number of Americans who say they do not have a single close friend has quadrupled (from 3% to 12%). Of course this figure has been profoundly affected by the restrictions of COVID-19, but it is still alarming.