By Pr Evangeline Cheong


Recently I was struggling with my social media and news apps. With all the news coming in from here and there, there were times that I wish that I could turn off my phone and stop watching the news. Much of the news sensationalizes wars, disasters and scam warnings, but also I find myself struggling to keep up in processing the amount of news that comes through our phones. At other times, I am not sure if the information I receive is accurate, or if I even have the full picture about an event due to the algorithms of the apps I use or the biases I have? How can I respond as a Christian to all those forwarded messages on the latest way to avoid cancer or the articles sent to me about the wars, or the watercooler talk about the new lineup for the government?

By Pr Evangeline Cheong


In the 4 November 2023 Singapore Digital Society Report by the Infocom Media Development Authority (IMDA), it was revealed that 99% of Singaporeans have access to the Internet and 97% own a smart phone: surpassing much of Europe and China.

By Pr Evangeline Cheong


It was a notification on a phone that informed all at the meeting about the sad news of a famous actor’s death. The owner of the phone apologized for the interruption to the camp meeting agenda. But was it really an interruption? 

In the midst of the busyness of the matters at hand, whether you are planning camp, studying for exams, finishing a project, doing projects, or just living life, news of a death of someone near or far, can feel like an interruption.

By Rev Goh Yong Kuang


Throughout the ages, people have been questioning the meaning and purpose of life. The first statement of the Westminster Confession of Faith Shorter Catechism provides the only valid answer to this age-old question. 


“The chief aim of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”


A clock is meant to tell time, a car is built to be driven, an airplane is designed to fly, shoes made to be worn. Using these things apart from what they are originally intended defeats the very purpose for which they are made.

By Rev Goh Yong Kuang


Those who are in the flesh, cannot please God.



The word “flesh” is often used by the apostle to refer to human independence and self-effort. It represents a way of living, of trying to get things done by means of human strength; by focusing on what we can do instead of on what Christ has done and is doing through the Spirit.


By Rev Goh Yong Kuang


It was this man, Phillips Brooks, a 19th century American clergy and writer, who gave us these timeless words, which have been famously quoted by President JF Kennedy and many others in their speeches & writings:  


“Do not pray for easy lives - pray to be stronger men!”


While Christians are not told to go look for trouble, they should be prepared for it when trouble comes. Hardships and sufferings have always been part of the human experience in a fallen world (Romans 8:18-25). We are affected by the trials and troubles of this life as much as those who do not know Christ. Knowing God and choosing to follow Him doesn’t exempt us from hardships - but it does help to trust God and believe that He is with us even in our darkest moments.