Being a GPC connector is not about how good we are, but how willing we want to submit ourselves to God. Those who hesitate to sign up as connectors may think that they are not adequate. For example, some may think “I am a nobody. How can I reach out to those with much more established careers than me in GPC?”

Being a connector is not about our social status, but our status in Christ as children of God. It is because Jesus first loved us and that enables us to reach out to others with His love (1 John 4:19). Praise the Lord, we currently have 55 connectors!

Besides a willing heart, are there any other criteria that we need to possess to become a connector? We played with the acronym CONNECTOR. These 9 elements are not necessarily abilities that we have fully attained but are things we are working towards as a body of Christ:

  • C: Compassionate - Show kindness to the person we are calling
  • O: Ongoing - We call not just once, but continuously - just like Christ who never stop loving us
  • N: Note-taking - Sincere in caring for another, we take notes and remember the details of the person we are calling
  • N: New creation in Christ. As a new creation in Christ, the connector is always filled with hope and giving hope to those we call
  • E: Empathy - We try to FEEL the way the other person is feeling by putting ourselves in his/her situation. We listen and feel for his/her struggles and joy
  • C: Christ connector – We are not connecting them to us (the connectors), but to Christ. For example, getting them to join our CGs and to serve in church
  • T: Trustworthy – You can trust our connectors to keep confidentiality in things that are shared by the connectee. All connectors need to sign a declaration to maintain confidentiality in items that are shared
  • O: Ownership - Connectors take ownership of the task of caring for the people assigned to us, by diligently and regularly calling them
  • R: Rest - We rest all our burdens (our own and those we contact) and worries on Jesus’s feet. We trust in His unfailing love (Matthew 11:28).

This is what our connectors have accomplished in the past 3 months (June to August): 

  • Target number of Connectees                     : 762
  • Number of Connectees connected              : 622
  • No response from Connectees                    : 140
  • Connectees request to be excluded            : 44
  • Percentage connected                                 : 82%

Do continue to pray for all the connectors and the connectees that we are one in GPC because we are one in Christ! May the phone continue to ring and our relationship continue to grow. God bless us!